Saturday, March 12, 2011

i trying


i say

nothing impossible in this world

but when i through it all alone

without any help from you

that must be
impossible for me

to continue our relationship

even u say u love me

but u just make me suffer with ur "BestFriend"

and ur lie....

when i say 

want END 

u just say ok?

where ur feeling? or maybe u don't have any feeling?

like a doll?

and when i say about feeling

u just said i don't understand

maybe u think i don't understand?

but i want ask you

did u really understand?

can i ask you?

did you still remember ur promise?

u said u won't do it again

but now u broke all ur promise

so is true what i said to u before

Promise is made to be broken..

when i said i want END our reletionshp

did u know?

teardrop on my face?

and i say to myself

why should i cry?

i should be happy

coz no one will make me suffer

but why?

i keep crying?


but now i know why

coz u is my life

when i said i want END our relationship

if seem like i killing MYSELF

and i swear

i still love you